Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!

A lot of people ask how they can keep a restoration project from becoming a money pit. The title to this post says it all. You don't have to replace every nut and bolt on the car. I know a guy who over-restored his car, and was then disappointed when he couldn't sell it for anywhere near what he had invested.  Here's how that happened. I understand him wanting to rebuild the engine, and mybe pump in a little more power. But he replaced the power steering pump, even though the old one worked fine, wasn't leaking, and wasn't making any noise. He replaced the radiator, even though the old one wasn't leaking, wasn't clogged up, and cooled the engine just fine even in 95 degree weather.  He replaced the starter even though it bench-tested fine, and started the car fine. I could go on, but you get the drift. He spent a lot of money replacing things that not only didn't need to be replaced, but also didn't add any value to the car.  Your fixing what needs to be fixed, not trying to make a brand-new old car. Mastermind

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