Friday, October 2, 2015

Here's why the "F&F" girls don't qualify for the list of Hottest women in car movies...

Had several people comment on an older post-( it's funny-I get shit from people for stuff I posted three years ago ) but I guess any attention is good attention, right?  Anyhow-an "F&F" and new "Dallas" fan was pissed that Jordana Brewster was not on the list. And he mentioned that Michelle Rodriguez wasn't on there either. Here's why. I hate to be a pig-but were talking about Macho-action movies. Sharon Stone is famous for her "Beaver Shot" from "Basic Instinct" but she spent a lot of time naked in that movie as well. As did Jeanne Tripplehorn. ( Who also got naked and offered herself to Kevin Costner in the awful "Waterworld". ) Former Miss America and Oscar-winner Halle Berry was topless and barefoot in "Swordfish". Classically trained stage actress Darlanne Fluegel-"Eyes of Laura Mars." "Battlestar Galactica"-got naked a lot in "To Live and Die in L.A."  The smokin' hot Eva Mendes was nude in "Training Day". In fact-she had a brief barefoot-in-a-bikini scene in "F&F 2". Which was the highlight of that train wreck. Miss World contestant and "Wonder Woman" Lynda Carter got naked a lot in the action flick "Bobbi Jo and the Outlaw" that she made with Evangelist-turned-action-star Marjoe Gortner.  Oscar Nominee Rene Russo had a topless scene in "The Thomas Crown Affair." and she was well over 40. Reminded me of the scene in "Dragnet" when Joe Friday meets the Playboy Playmate. "Do these look like the breasts of a 43 year old woman?" "No ma'am." "Those breasts are magnificent, bordering on, spectacular." I know I sound like a total pig-but what I'm saying is these other,better resume'd actresses "suffered for their art" and did gratuitous nude or sexy scenes. In all the "F&F" movies Jordana Brewster has been totally dressed-and spent her time refereeing the "Bromance" between Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. I mean, forget naked or in a bikini-she's never even taken her shoes off in the F&F movies. Weve never even seen her barefoot in a casual kitchen scene. Ditto for Rodriguez. Were supposed to believe that her 120 lb skinny ass could whip both Ronda Rousey and Gina Carano-but weve never seen her topless or barefoot-even in sex scenes with Diesel. I'm not saying women have to show skin to be taken seriously-what I'm saying is if Halle Berry could show her boobs for "Swordfish"-then Jordana Brewster could at least wear a bikini in a beach scene!!  You don't get "Immortal Hottie In an Action Movie" status by being fully clothed and whining-"Don't fight guys."  So that's why her and Michelle aren't on the list. At least in "White Lightning" we got a Tarantino-ish close-up of Jennifer Billingsley's very dirty bare feet, and they implied she was naked,even if they didn't show full-frontal. It's not politically correct- but were rating mindless action and car-chase movies. Mastermind  

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