Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Reborn" Classics that might be cool!

There are some classic rare cars that can be very expensive for original versions, but entrepenuers tried to revive them in the '80's and '90's. These "Fakes" might be a way for the "Average Joe" to have a totally unique and cool ride for a fraction of the price of the originals. #1 "1963" Studebaker Avanti. These swoopy, cool-looking cars had a "Cult" following. In the '80's and '90's several companies brought them back. They had small-block Chevys  for power. Since their not original anyway, you could hop it up. There's more speed equipment available for small-block Chevys than anything else on the planet. Most of these I've seen are priced over 10 grand, but thats better than the 30 or 40 a "real" 63 Avanti brings.  #2 1965 "427" Cobra. There are dozens of companies that made these kit cars, but the best ones are made by Factory Five racing. The Base kit is about $12,000 and the deluxe one is $19,900, less engine. They come with everything else. They use a 1986-93 Mustang 8.8 rear end, and front suspension, and the frame will accept 5.0 or 4.6 / 5.4 mod motors. They only weigh about 2,400 lbs. Take 800 lbs off your average 5.0 Mustang. Think they haul ass? People that build these generally have $25-35K in them, but often you can see them for sale for around 20 grand. That's a lot better than the 250-500K that real 427 Cobras bring.  # 3 Factory Five also makes similar kits for a similar price that have a GT40 body. Again, 25 grand is a lot better than 100k on up for an old GT40 race car. # 4 There's also a company that makes 1953 Corvette replicas. These use a shortened GM G-body frame, and small-block Chevys. Ditto for 1965 Gran Sport Corvette Replicas.  # 5 There's also 55-57 T-bird replicas that use small block Fords and Mustang II suspensions. How about a screamin' 347 stroker in one of these? No one would dare do that to a real 55-57 Bird, but it's a fake, so who cares? And it didn't cost you 50 grand like an original either. Mastermind

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